Good News for Baby Boomers!
by RJP | Mar 25, 2010 | Blog |
Aging and Fitness
How to Slow the Body’s Clock
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, by 2030 the portion of the U.S. population aged 65 or older will double to about 71 million – that’s a lot of older people! The question is, how can we age and still get the most out of life? How do we avoid chronic disease (cardiovascular disease, stroke, cancer and diabetes) traditionally associated with aging? What about steering clear of osteoperosis (reduced bone density) and bone fractures resulting from that particular nasty disease?
Good News for Baby Boomers!
It’s Never too Late
With aging many seniors adopt a sedentary lifestyle, which is associated with less than ideal health effects (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease to name a couple). On the contrary, the health benefits of a physically active lifestyle for seniors clearly indicate that many age-related illnesses and diseases can be impressively slowed down. I look for example to my 65 year-old father who even to this day exercises each day and can still cycle 20 miles, run or hike up-hill and dance the night away whenever there’s a good party going. He’s so healthy it’s hard to imagine he’s already 65. All the discipline he displayed concerning his body over the years has paid off and he’s managed to slow down his biological clock significantly; doing things even some teenages would balk at today.
There are three main aspects to fitness training and hiring an experienced and knowledgeable personal trainer will ensure you get the right balance of flexibility, strength and aerobic training to ensure your golden years are disease-free. Yes, it does mean making an investment in energy today but when you think of what will be saved in the future it’s well worth the effort and time.
Contact Rudi Marashlian, Master Trainer, at with any of your health and fitness questions.
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