A question I get asked a lot is, “How much exercise should I be doing?”. It’s an interesting question and one that’s not easily answered because it depends on what a person is trying to achieve by exercising.

Why Goals Are So Important

Some people want to maintain a state of health, some want to lose weight, some to increase their strength for daily activities and to prevent disease, some want a rock-hard sexy body and still others want to compete in bodybuilding competitions or in triathlons, marathons or other competitive sports.

Maintain a State of Good Health

General Exercise Guidelines

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) General Exercise Guidelines recommend performing physical activity 3 to 5 times a week for 20 to 60 minutes at a time. Specifically, they’re talking about activities like walking, running, cycling and swimming that are aerobic in nature and involve large muscle groups. The intensity is moderate, so that you could carry on a conversation while exercising, based on the “talk test”.

The ACSM also recommends that you include muscular strength and flexibility training in your exercise program.

These recommendations will NOT get you a rock-hard body or first place in a triathlon or fitness model competition. They will, however, get you into a healthy physical and mental state, improve the condition of your heart, lungs and blood flow and help you lose some body fat (assuming you’re also eating lower-calorie, healthy food).

Let’s make the ACSM recommendations the baseline. You definitely don’t want to go below their recommendations if you want to maintain a state of health long-term and avoid heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes and obesity.

Zuzana - Rock-hard Fitness

Goal: Rock-hard, Tight and Lean

Let’s say, however that you really want to rock a fantastic body like Zuzana from Bodyrock TV or someone on the cover of Muscle Magazine. The ACSM general exercise guidelines will not cut it.

You’ll have to work out every day for 1 to 3 hours. Your workout will include at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardio (running, rowing, cycling, swimming) and at least an hour of strength training (free weights, machine weights, body weight exercises, kettlebells and so on).

You’ll also have to control your diet very strictly – no heavy sauces, pasta, hamburgers or fatty foods. You’ll be eating lean – brown rice, quinoa, green vegetables (salads and stir fries), protein shakes using a base of water, broiled or steamed fish, chicken, beef of buffalo (or vegetable protein if you’re also a vegetarian), lots of egg whites and the occasional treat (like a tablespoon of peanut butter).

It’s a tough commitment, for sure to achieve that kind of body.

Scarlett - Slim, toned and fit

Goal: Slim, Toned and Fit

The in-between is a healthy, strong, not-quite-as-rock-hard but still totally sexy and sleek body like, say, Scarlett Johansson. For this you’ll still have to do more than the ACSM general guidelines but less than for a hard-core body.

You’re looking at about 5 days a week for an hour or more at a time, 20 minutes cardio (intervals are fast and efficient) and at least 40 minutes strength training then some stretching. You’ll still be working hard – “vigorous” would be the key word so you won’t have the time or the spare breath to talk to your bestie on the phone while you work out.

You won’t be eating “whatever you want”, you’ll be eating smaller meals, fewer calories at each meal and sticking with choices like salads (not overly dressed), stir fries, boiled or poached eggs and avoiding anything deep fried, sugary, starchy or artificially sweetened.

It’s still quite a commitment, but the rewards – fitting into whatever clothes you want, feeling comfortable in shorts and tank tops, knowing you never have to starve yourself to look good for a special event are beyond worth the effort.

What’s Your Goal?

It’s a matter of deciding what your initial goal is. For most people, just achieving the ACSM general exercise guidelines is an awesome goal to reach for. From there you can set a new goal that might include more work and dedication. And keep on going if that’s what you want and who knows… maybe you’ll be rocking a rock-hard amazing body sometime in the future. If that’s what you want.

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