Corporate Wellness Program

corporate wellness program

Looking for an edge on your competitors in business? Smart organizations are employing exercise and wellness programs to help keep their teams sharp, healthy and happy too.

“There are many very plausible and physiologically supported reasons why you would expect to see improvements in job performance because of exercise,” says Cedric Bryant, Chief Science Officer of the American Council on Exercise (ACE). “You are promoting better blood flow, which helps in terms of neurological function. Exercise has been consistently shown to enhance and elevate mood, so it will help you cope with the stressors of work.”

A nine-month study of 80 executives showed that exercisers experienced a 22 percent increase in fitness and a 70 percent improvement in ability to make complex decisions compared with sedentary peers.

corporate wellness program - go fit now

Positive Outcome for Business

“My outcome was to keep the leadership targeted on wellness. This will help keep my team happy and working with the thought of personal wellness for many years to come. From a business perspective, the wellness program prevents turnover from illness or leaves of absence from illness. It allows people to gain a better perspective of working together as well.”


go fit now corporate wellness program

Interest Leads to Participation

“I looked at my staff and knew the ages ranged from late 20’s to late 60’s. Only one person was exercising besides me and I saw them sitting at their desk most of the time. I also knew that several were “stuck” on fast foods (they were the youngest in the group). They knew I was exercising and asked me how I was doing routinely. So I knew there was an interest but now I had to help them understand they too needed to exercise. So I asked them if they would like to participate and they said yes.”

Go fit now corporate wellness classes

Team Benefits

“Awareness that exercising was not just getting on a piece of equipment and you were done. The staff talked about their diet as well – one person lost 12 pounds and another 10 pounds. Another found how out of shape he was and it was a wake-up call to change his lifestyle. One individual was able to keep her blood glucose at a level that she did not have to go on medication.”

It is a proven fact that corporate wellness programs pay for themselves. If you would like more information or you would like to get your business started as a Go Fit Now Corporate Wellness Partner please contact Rudi Marashlian at