Here’s a core workout – no equipment needed.
- Before starting your workout, you should warm up for at least 10 minutes.
- There are two ways to do the exercises that are coming up: you can time them and hold or you can do repetitions.
- First we’ll do a series of planks.
- The easiest plank to start off with is on the knees. You can hold and time it or do it in repetitions, whatever you decided to go with. Keep your torso in line, knees on the floor and you’ll be holding your upper body off the ground with your hands.

- The next plank is the normal plank. It looks like a push-up, but you hold up your upper body with your forearms. You are going to lift up and hold and to make it even tougher you can get into the normal push-up position (on hands, not forearms). Again, you can hold the position and time how long you can stay up or do repetitions.
- For the next exercise you are going to get onto your side with your knees slightly bent and you are going to push your torso up with the arm closest to the floor. Up and down (repetitions). To make this harder you can put your legs out straight. You can bring your other arm down to the floor to assist you if your supporting arm gets too tired. To make it even harder than that, keep both legs out straight and don’t use your arm to help you.
- For the next exercise you are going to lay on the ground on your back with your knees bent and your arms will push your torso up. You are going to lift your back up and hold. Then bring it down, lift it back up, and hold again. A reverse plank.

Reverse plank
- Once you have completed the sets that you choose for each of these exercises, you are going to cool down and stretch.
- That’s a good, fast and simple core workout and all you need is your own body to get great results.
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