by RJP | Feb 2, 2011 | Blog, Weight Loss
Losing weight can be very confusing when you consider the vast number of possible diets to choose from. The pressure to be thin is amazing in our society and yet there are more obese people than ever before. Everyone has an opinion on which method is best but,...
by RJP | Feb 6, 2009 | Blog, Fitness, Weight Loss
Your Physical Body – Your Vehicle for Life There are basically three general genetic body types. You are handed a body with one of these types (or a mixture) by your parents, their parents and so on up the line. Are you large, medium or small-boned? Do you have...
by RJP | Feb 5, 2009 | Weight Loss
Well, we have all heard the adage, “You are what you eat.” There is some semblance of truth in that statement. If you follow the tips in the following Eat Smart Pyramid, you have a better chance being healthier and increasing your energy; getting leaner by losing some...
by RJP | Feb 2, 2009 | Blog, Weight Loss
How to Lose Ten Pounds in One Day To lose weight, you need to reduce one or more of the three main ingredients in your body: Adipose tissue: fat Water Lean tissue: muscle, bone or organs If your goal is just to lower the numbers on the weight scale, then you can lose...