by TracK | Apr 20, 2013 | Blog, Fitness, Strength Training, Workouts
Here is a great bodyweight strength and tone workout Warm Up Before you begin the workout, do a warm-up. For this you can walk, jog, and skip. Also make sure to stretch. For these exercises you are going to want to have a gym mat or something similar. You are going to...
by TracK | Oct 9, 2012 | Blog, Strength Training
It’s no secret that more people expect to stay healthy and youthful for as long as possible. Baby Boomers are aging but they don’t want to get “old” – they are smart, well-informed and still leading the pack in terms of making thing...
by TracK | Sep 11, 2012 | Blog, Bodybuilding, Fitness, Strength Training
Rudi is 53 years old. One and a half years ago he decided to put his body to the test to find out whether he could get it into competition-ready shape without the help of testosterone, growth hormone or anabolic steroids. He entered an over 50s natural bodybuilding...
by TracK | May 16, 2012 | Blog, Fitness, Strength Training, Workouts
Want to get lean, ripped, strong and fit? This one’s “Insane”! Gofitnow’s pumped-up version of the “Spartacus Workout” featured in Men’s Health. This is a tough workout and one that will bump up your cardiovascular fitness,...
by TracK | Jan 17, 2012 | Blog, Fitness, Strength Training
Aging is inevitable – the years go by and you get older. There’s no stopping time but it is possible to redefine aging. For most of us it’s understood that aging means the body starts to decay, the hard and soft tissues gradually deteriorate and physical...
by TracK | Nov 17, 2011 | Blog, Fitness, Strength Training
As you may already know, strength training is one of the greatest ways to get in shape and have a healthy and fit body. Something you might not know is that strength training has been proven to help prevent type 2 diabetes. Studies have been done to show that strength...