by TracK | Apr 5, 2012 | Blog, Fitness
As personal trainers, we often get asked, “What are the best places to workout/buy supplements/get equipment?” It makes sense, of course, because we live, eat and breathe exercise and fitness pretty much 24/7. Here is a beginning list – it only...
by TracK | Mar 23, 2012 | Blog, Fitness
There are many terms used quite casually when speaking of fitness and exercise. One very popular one is “aerobics”. There have been aerobics classes in existence now for decades but ask nearly anyone in a gym what it really means and you’ll probably get something...
by TracK | Jan 17, 2012 | Blog, Fitness, Strength Training
Aging is inevitable – the years go by and you get older. There’s no stopping time but it is possible to redefine aging. For most of us it’s understood that aging means the body starts to decay, the hard and soft tissues gradually deteriorate and physical...
by TracK | Jan 3, 2012 | Blog, Fitness
What is the biggest barrier to getting fit and how can you overcome it? Probably the best way to overcome any barrier is to, firstly, know what it is. If you know what you’re dealing with you can plan ahead on how you will deal with it when it comes your way. Getting...
by TracK | Dec 27, 2011 | Blog, Fitness, Workouts
Here’s a core workout – no equipment needed. Before starting your workout, you should warm up for at least 10 minutes. There are two ways to do the exercises that are coming up: you can time them and hold or you can do repetitions. First we’ll do a...
by TracK | Dec 13, 2011 | Blog, Fitness, Workouts
Here is the transcript for the video – Safe and Easy Lower Back Stretches. We have had many people get relief and increased movement into their backs from doing these simple and safe lower back stretches. “Hi, this is Rudi and Tracey Marashlian. Today we...