Biggest Loser Inspires… Not Much
Shows like the Biggest Loser take an approach to fitness much like crash diets do with nutrition but do they actually inspire people to get active?
Exercise – Better Than Drugs For Depression
Exercise has been scientifically proven to be as effective as drugs in fighting depression.
Lower Back Pain Free – Gofitnow Success!
As personal trainers, we do a lot more than just run people through a battery of exercises. Every body is different and every day can bring new challenges, especially as bodies get older. We have lots of tools, including specialized stretching and massage techniques, to help release tight muscles and bring relief, often when nothing else has helped.
Holiday Fitness Fun – Activities For All Ages
How do you get a ten-year-old and a sixty-nine year-old to work out together and still have fun?
Avoid Overeating – 4 Simple Tips
Here are a few strategies to help you strip down your portion sizes and simultaneously reduce your daily calorie intake without having to resort to crazy crash diets or depriving yourself in any way.
The Best Kale Salad – Secret Revealed!
Whenever I am asked to bring a dish to a party or gathering I always bring my kale salad. It’s become quite well-known in various parts of Los Angeles and I have people asking for the recipe every time they try it because it not only looks fabulous, it tastes amazing! So amazing that most people want second helpings.
Performance Enhancement For All Ages
Do you love your sport and want to stay in the game longer and stronger? We’ve got 50 year-olds riding motor cross like they’re still 21.
Squats – Variations For Core, Legs and Butt
How to vary your squats with only a couple of dumbbells. Simple Basic Squat (with dumbbells) First make sure you are in correct squat from with your dumbbells in your hands by your sides. While holding them at your sides, do a regular squat. You will find that with...