Obesity Gets Even More Controversial
Obesity - Officially a Disease According to the AMA The American Medical Association officially labelled obesity a disease in June 2013 and guess who jumped on the bandwagon for even more reimbursement for its treatment? Was it nutritionists? How about fitness...
Supplements – Do I Really Need Them?
Is what college nutrition professors teaching about the value of today’s food true? Do I also need supplements?
Squats – How to Do Them Correctly
Squats are a fundamental movement. A good squat will not only strengthen legs and glutes, it will also strengthen the core (front and back).
Easy Seniors’ Strength Workout
Strong seniors stay youthful longer. Here is a simple, easy strength workout for seniors. No equipment needed.
Fat Loss Fun Facts
Let's cut to the chase on the subject of fat loss. There's so much nonsense written about it, so much time spent worrying about it. Here is a short summary of fat loss facts. Snappy, to the point and hopefully there are a few facts you can use easily right away... FAT...
Easy No-bake Brownies
Who doesn’t like brownies? I LOVE them, but rarely eat them because they are usually packed with sugar and are way too fatty.
Strength and Tone Workout
Simple strength and tone workout can be done anywhere. Easy strength exercises for everyone. Gofitnow.com
Fat Rights?
As fitness trainers we come across many reasons why people are interested in personal training. Probably the biggest one is weight loss or, more specifically, fat loss, so it was with interest that I learned about the Fat Rights movement recently. Fat activism began...