Squats – How to Do Them Correctly

Squats – The Big Guns Squats are a fundamental movement. They involve three sets of joints (the ankles, knees and hips) and because of this, also involve a lot of muscles making them one of the big guns in anyone’s workout routine. A good squat will not...

Easy Seniors’ Strength Workout

Here is an easy seniors’ strength workout Always do a warm-up To begin you are going to do a nice simple warm-up. You don’t have to go outdoors or use equipment. You can run in place, step side-to-side, etc., for about 2-3 minutes. After warming up, make sure to...

Fat Loss Fun Facts

Let’s cut to the chase on the subject of fat loss. There’s so much nonsense written about it, so much time spent worrying about it. Here is a short summary of fat loss facts. Snappy, to the point and hopefully there are a few facts you can use easily right...

Easy No-bake Brownies

Who doesn’t like brownies? I LOVE them, but rarely eat them because they are usually packed with sugar and are way too fatty. That was before, now I have a brownie treat nearly every day and I’m going to share my secret with you because these little...

Strength and Tone Workout

Here is a great bodyweight strength and tone workout Warm Up Before you begin the workout, do a warm-up. For this you can walk, jog, and skip. Also make sure to stretch. For these exercises you are going to want to have a gym mat or something similar. You are going to...