by RJP | Sep 14, 2011 | Blog, Fitness
Posture is defined as skeletal and muscular balance of the body that allows it to move in certain ways and stay in certain positions without causing it injury. It has been found that misaligned skeletal framework of a body (most importantly the spine) can cause a...
by RJP | Aug 17, 2011 | Blog, Nutrition & Health
In previous articles we’ve talked a lot about the fat-burning qualities of muscle and why strength training is a must for anyone interested in burning fat and reducing their waistline. In this article we’re going to explore the amazing, under-acknowledged and...
by RJP | Jun 29, 2011 | Blog, Weight Loss
In simple arithmetic terms, what is someone trying to do when they’re trying to lose weight? They’re trying to create a difference between energy coming into the body (as food) and energy being burned (energy expenditure). To lose weight you need less energy...
by RJP | Jun 7, 2011 | Blog, Weight Loss
Losing weight implies a subtraction of some kind – you want to subtract body weight (preferably body fat) – and there are several different ways to go about it; one is through diet which means subtracting calories from your food intake. That’s what...
by RJP | May 19, 2011 | Blog, Nutrition & Health
Did you know… “Too much sitting is hazardous to your health?” There is a relatively new science called “inactive physiology” where the effects of sedentary behavior are investigated and analyzed to find out what, if anything, happens to our bodies when we sit...